This is Brighton after winning at her Pretty Princess game. She wins pretty much every time- big surprise- and we play it at least once a day. Thanks for the great gift Grandma Linda!!
On a side note- it's pretty cute to see James play it with her. He looks beautiful in earrings. :)
I've been telling everyone about these, so I thought I'd just post a picture. My bishop's wife brought some of these to an activity and I fell in love with them and bought them before the week was through. They are out of iron- and I got the whole fam for $22! I wanted to screw them into the wall, but James wouldn't let me put any more holes in the walls, since we're only living here for a few more months. He's such a spoilsport!! I told him that he was oppressing the people. teehee! This is my no-hole solution, hanging them from the top of the door.
This is what we have to look at ALL DAY!! My little plumber- she is so skinny that none of her pants stay up. I'm constantly asking her to pull up her pants. They fall off sometimes if she runs. :)
Brighton is starting to draw these kind of pictures, which I'm sure have a name but I don't know what it is. The circle with the stick legs, that one. This is a picture of Aunt Bonnie. Notice the matching hairdo's.
I cut Brooklyn's hair a few weeks ago to chin length, which just looks pretty darn cute.
Cute pics! I love how you put the little sash and bow on your little iron people. SO CUTE. I also thought Brooklyn's hair looked shorter--and then decided it was probably short the whole time and I just wasn't paying attention. It really does look super cute!
cute!! I love the monsters inc drawing. My sister-in-law just got that pretty princess game for Christmas. She's 20 years old :) It has childhood sentimentality. She just played on a blind date too. Glad to hear that James is a good sport about it too.
Hannah's pants don't stay up either. No matter how much I tighten the elastic her little crack still shows.
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