I'm back!! Sorry, on valentine's day I was really really sick. Like in bed all day sick. I'm slowly feeling better, so I'll give you an update on my holiday. My family has this tradition that we handmake valentine's and swap them. I really enjoy this tradition, it is one of my favorite things that my family does. It's fun to get packages and see what everyone did. I made cute butterfly valentine's with pixy stix(you make my heart "flutter"), but I'll have to post a pic later. For James, I made him a coupon booklet- so cute! I got it at Pebbles, and helped the girls make a poster of the things they love about daddy. And they picked out a candy bar to surprise him with. We were planning on taking it to his work for him to find, but he ended up working the last shift so that plan was spoiled. Brighton is really enjoying having secrets and surprises, and is getting better at not telling them! She gets too excited. :)
Every v-day we have had together James has made me a special dinner, and he's started to throw in more surprises each year. He surprised me by taking me to see The Met's Manon Lescaut, which was streamed live to the movie theatre. That was fabulous, and on the way home he told me that I was also getting a thermal mud wrap at Bon Losee! I was apprehensive about that- knowing little about what that entailed, and glad that I had shaved my legs the day before. The wrap was wonderful- but ladies, what I was and wasn't wearing!!! Here is a picture, just so you can see how ridiculous these "disposable bra and panties" were!
I was looking at these, trying to figure out if there was any way I could put them on so they would cover more of me! Oh well, I loved the pampering, so I guess I can put up with a little nudity. Make that a lot of nudity. :)
And then James made a fabulous dinner of ribs, twice baked potatoes- complete with fruit and green salad, sparkling juice and dessert. I love you honey!!
What a great day for you! I love to hear about the various traditions my friends have for celebrations--and yours sound like a lot of fun. I hope you're feeling lots better!
I love reading you hilarious blog.
Go James, for giving you the valentines day you deserve.
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