Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Okay, the REAL addition...

Yes, we are pregnant again! I just had my dr. app yesterday, and I am 10 weeks along with a DD of September 11th. I wasn't sure of my dates, because I had just gotten my IUD out. My uterus jumps at the chance to be pregnant, I guess. So. Let's see...

How have I been feeling? I knew right away that I was pregnant. Yuck. In fact, here is an excerpt from an email I sent to my mom-in-law a month ago.

In the afternoons I'm starting to run pretty low. I just feel yucky all day, and have no energy to do anything. I've started talking about myself in the 3rd person, like- "why can't that lady bother to wipe off the table? Like it's that big of a bother. What is wrong with her?!" Because that lady is so not me. I would never let my kid play on the computer for an hour so I could take a nap. Or hand my kid a box of fishies for snacktime. Or like last night, when that lady tried to get herself together to make a Walmart trip, but only managed to get five things on the list before the smells and crowd got to her and she had to escape home, stopping by KFC because she didn't want to even think about dinner.

Thankfully, I'm started to feel a bit better. Though I do have to be real careful about what I eat, since everything gives me heartburn. Like water. Real fun.

But we're pregnant, and excited!! When we told the girls yesterday they said that they had a baby that they were going to pop out too. So we're all excited! :)


Amanda said...

I KNEW IT!!! :D We're a week apart--almost to the day! And, I totally know what you're talking about. With previous pregnancies, I was really sick until about 20 weeks. This time around, I'm already starting to have good days here and there--so things are looking up. I hope they get better for you VERY soon! (And, I just want to add another YAY!!! here.)

rychelle said...

Yeah!! Congratulations!! I am excited for you. I have some super fun baby patterns, let me know when you're in town and I'll hook you up.

Mandy said...

Wow! That's exciting. :) Same due date that we had for Anne. Hope you don't stay feeling sick. Let me know if that lady needs someone to come take the kids for awhile! :)

Jenny said...

Congrats! I did not think it would be too long before that would happen. I am getting baby hungry and my baby is only 9 months old.