Saturday, March 15, 2008

a checkmark on my list...

I finished a group project last night! We have been working on a family life education seminar- developing the content and worksheets, role plays, etc. and we just presented it last night. I think it went pretty well, and it is a load off to have it over and done with. I had two couples from my ward that showed up- so thanks to my friends the Karlsson's and Whitlock's for helping fill up our room! We talked about parenting preschoolers- being positive and using logical consequences. Good information and a good reminder for me as a parent. Whew! I'm so glad this is the last class I have to take on campus, because I'm really getting tired of trying to be a student. Being a wife and mother takes up all of my time and energy, and I resent having to squish in one more thing. I dislike having assignments looming over my head. Anyway- I'm glad to have this checked off!

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Just thought I'd tell you in writing too that I really enjoyed the seminar. It was very helpful for us with young children :)

Thanks for inviting us.
