Saturday, December 22, 2007

CinderBrighton- or is this normal?!?

Brighton gets on the funniest kicks. Last week all she wanted to do was to play Cinderella. Sometimes I could get her to branch out and do Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, but Cinderella is definitely the favorite. She acts the whole thing out, and I usually get the bad guy roles- wicked stepmother, evil queen, etc. She will do this ALL DAY LONG if I play along. What a crack up! She runs down the hall, kicking off a shoe for the prince to find. She also especially loves any part when she gets to cry. "Are we at the crying part yet?" I'm thinking this is just a girl thing.
This week she wants to me to make up stories about Princess Brighton and her many adventures. All. Day. Long.
I'm looking forward to Logan getting older and I can just kick a ball around will him or something. Maybe we can enlist his help as the Prince for the many dancing parts. :)

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