Thursday, January 10, 2008

Logan crawls?

It seems that Logan is starting to get a move on. He doesn't lift up on his knees, but I wonder if our industrial grade carpet has anything to do with that. I don't like to kneel on it, it's pretty uncomfortable. So he's got this army crawl thing going on- I just noticed it yesterday. I'm not sure if I caught it on the video or not. 7 months- so I guess I'll have to start vacuuming more often! :)

Oh, we went to the doctor for a checkup a few days ago and he wants Logan to have another EEG. :( Not until the end of the month, but he has to be sleep deprived, so I'm NOT looking forward to that. If everything looks okay he gets to come off his medicine. We'll keep you posted!


Benson Fam said...

I saw it, I saw it! Carter didn't crawl until 10 months so I'm blown away. Yea Logan! And how did you post a video? I want to learn to do that.

Karalenn Hippen said...

What a cutie!!! Way to go Logan! I'm so sorry you have to go through that yucky stuff at the end of the month. Poor little guy... and mom.